West Coast Brewer Home Brewing Blog

Tag: Rig

GrainFather Homebrewing System Promo Code

Grain Father Homebrewing System

Grain Father Homebrewing System

Homebrew Promo Code Date: 11-27-2016 to While Supplies Last
Coupon Details: Save $91 On A GrainFather Homebrewing System + FREE Shipping
Homebrewing Supply Coupon CodeGrain Father Promo Code


Right now you can save $91 on a GrainFather Home Brewery and get free shipping.  The Grain Father makes all grain brewing simple! The Grain Father home beer brewing system is a a high quality all-in-one brewing system making all grain brewing so easy and so simple that even beginning brewers in a tiny apartment will be able to make a quality ale in their own home. It features accurate built-in temperature control, a recirculation system, a telescopic design that allows for mashing/sparging/boiling all in one unit, a false bottom basket, a hop filter, and a quick and easy to use counter flow wort chiller where you’ll pump your chilled wort straight into your fermentor.  Every piece on the Grainfather is thoughtful and constructed with quality. The integrated temperature control module enables accurate temps to be set to within one degree set your mash and boiling temps. The Telescoping design lifts out of the Grainfather so your grain bed is just above your wort where you’ll easily sparge. Ready to boil? a couple of swithes and a quick temperature setting and you’re Grainfather is quickly increasing temperature getting you to boiling temps. Chilling is a breeze with the counter-flow chiller. The GrainFather makes an incredible Christmas Gift for any beer lover!


GrainFather Promo Code


Brutus Stainless Steel Homebrewing Rig

Brutus Stainless Steel Home Brewing Stand

Brutus Stainless Steel Home Brewing Stand


Right now Adventures in Homebrewing / Homebrewing.org is offering a Brustus stainless steel homebrewing stand for $1299, with the burners included.  This is a beautiful home brewing rig done in stainless steel. It sits a bit higher than the one that I built and has a few other structural differences but pretty darn similar, best of all, you don’t need to weld it yourself!


This stand is a great base to build off of and the frame allow you to easily add on items like home brewing pumps, a RIMS controller and just about anything you can dream up.  One of the best things about it is that it does not come with a bunch of extras that you may not need such as kettles and wort chillers, like other home brewing stands do.  This way you can use your existing equipment to save money and only pay for what you need.


Click here for more information or to buy this Home Brewing System



The Anatomy of a Brew Rig



Here is the most recent image of my home brewing rig.  I recently added a whirlpool arm and switched back to an immersion chiller shown in the image.  Aside from that I just replaced some switches in my RIMS controller.  I thought that I would post an shot of my current gear in case it helps anyone else with their design.  If you have any question on my homebrewing setup please feel free to reach out to me.