West Coast Brewer Home Brewing Blog

Month: March 2016

Homebrewing Yeast Starters


Yeast Starter Kit

Yeast Starter Kit

MoreBeer.com currently has a coupon code for a 2000 ml and you can pick it up for $15.99. I personally have about 4 of these.  There are a few reasons why you might want to consider getting one and I have conducted a little test, if you answer yes to any of these 3 question, you may want to buy one before this MoreBeer promo code expires.


  1.  Do you like to look like a scientist? (I think this is why I have 4)
  2.  Are you not currently creating yeast staters for your home brewed beer?
  3.  If you are creating yeast starters, are you using a pot to do so?


If you answered yes to any of the three questions above then you probably want to consider picking one up especially if you are not currently creating a yeast starter. Yeast is a critical and primary component of your beer and is as critical as the grains that you use when it comes to developing the flavor of your beer. Have you ever had a German Hefeweizen and an American Hefeweizen or American Wheat Beer?  The basic hop structure and grain bill is the same in both beers, yet they taste incredibly different and that is because of the yeast.  I mention this because many home brewers do not realize how big of a difference the yeast in a beer makes. It does not only ferment the sugars in your beer, it is creating flavors while it does so that impact your finished beer, that is why there are so many varieties available.


Also consider that it is not just the variety of yeast that you choose to brew your beer with that determines the impact on taste. It is also the quantity, health and state of activity at the start of your fermentation that is important. All of these factors are important when it comes to avoiding off flavors in your beer and achieving a complete fermentation. This is especially important when brewing lagers and higher ABV beers like strong single IPA’s, Double IPA’s and Imperial Stouts.  A flask and stir plate are the best ways of activating your yeast, replicating yeast cells and making sure your yeast is healthy prior to starting the actual fermentation process. If you are just using the same old SA-05 yeast packet (not that it is a bad all around yeast) I encourage you to try some liquid yeast strains and in either case to make a yeast starter or at least re-hydrate your yeast prior to staring your fermentation.


Here is the link to the More Beer Promo Code:


More Beer Coupon Code For A Homebrew Yeast Starter Flask


Here is a link to a Homebrewing YeastStir Plate:


More Beer Coupon Code For A Home Brewing Stir Plate




Best Prices on Home Brewing Conical Fermenters

Stainless Steel Conical Fermenters

Stainless Steel Conical Fermenters


It has been about a year since I purchased my 7 Gallon SS BrewTech conical fermenter and 14 gallon stainless steel conical fermenter.  I have been very please with their performance and am happy to report that I have not had a single issue with them.  The quality of the manufacturing is top notch and they were the best priced stainless steel conicals that I could find.  Best of all they even shipped them for free, saving me a bundle.


Their price was recently reduced and they also release an upgraded Brew Master version of their already quality built line of stainless steel conical fermenters.  So if you are looking to upgrade your homebrewing fermenters, this may be a great time to do so.


These stainless steel conicals come loaded with features, here are some of the specs:

  • Certified Food Grade 304 Stainless Steel Construction
  • Patent Pending Stainless Steel Rotating Racking Arm
  • 60° cone for clean yeast harvesting
  • NEW weldless thermowell
  • 1.5” Tri-Clamp Fittings (lid, side, bottom)
  • Molded Silicone Gasket for airtight Lid seal.
  • Pressure relief valve included
  • Six Spring-Loaded Lid Clamps hold Lid in place
  • Pressurizeable to 5 PSI for Transfers
  • Electrically etched (not painted) gallon markings
  • TIG Sanitary Welds – Easy to Clean, Long-lasting!



7 Gallon Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter

7 Gallon Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter

Price: $395

Stainless Steel 7 Gallon Conical Fermenter



14 Gallon Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter

14 Gallon Stainless Steel Conical Fermenter

Price: $495

Stainless Steel 14 Gallon Conical Fermenter



They have a full range of these stainless steel homebrewing fermenters, including 1/2 barrel and full 1 barrel sized fermenter.  Their brew bucket line of stainless steel fermenters is also on sale right now starting at $195.


Click here for their full line of homebrewing fermenters.

MoreBeer Promo Code for their Ultimate Sparge Arm!


Stainless Steel Sparge Arm

Stainless Steel Sparge Arm


MoreBeer.com and MoreBeer Home Brewing Coupons
Limited time and quantity promo code from MoreBeer.com – MoreBeer
Promo Codes for the Month of  March, 2016
Coupon Code Date: 3-1-2016
Promotion Details: The Ultimate Stainless Steel Sparge Arm for $119
Promo Code: BEERDEAL


Coupon Description:  Today only and while supplies last, MoreBeer.com has a coupon code for The Ultimate Stainless Steel Sparge Arm for $119. This MoreBeer stainless steel home brewing sparge arm design is the perfect addition to almost any all grain home brewing system. The sparge arm assembly is made completely of stainless steel and silicone, and has two adjustment points. I use this stainless steel homebrew sparge arm in my all grain homebrewing system and I love it.  It allows me to circulate my mash with out any fears of a stuck sparge.


MoreBeer Couon Code Stainless Steel Sparge Arm