West Coast Brewer Home Brewing Blog

Brew Stands and Home Brewing Racks

Brew Stands and Homebrewing Racks

Brew Stands and Homebrewing Racks

I recently added a new page to the West Coast Brewer main site for brew stands, homebrewing racks, home breweries, beer brewing stands and home brew racks!  Whatever name you want to call them by, they can be found here:

Home Brewing Stands


My goal is to list all of the turnkey \ pre-built homebrew racks that I can find available for sale online there, so if you know of any that I have not listed, please feel free to shoot me an email about it so that I can get them added.


The page features the whole range of home brewing stands from entry level to digital stainless steel brew racks and photos of each stand.  There are several single tier models as well as multi tier homebrew stands to chose from.  The prices range from about $500 for a bare homebrew stand to over $6000 for a complete home brewing rack with kettles, pumps and digital temperature controllers.



  1. Homebrew

    Thanks for taking the time to compile this list of homebrew stands. When I make the switch to all grain I think I will pick up one of the MoreBeer Stainless Steel home brewing stands.

  2. Gary

    I agree, it is a great list. It is nice to know that there are so many options when it comes to home brewing rigs!

  3. John

    I don’t see the list there, but could you please tell me which stand is pictured on this page? I have this system at work and am trying to track down the user manual.

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