Home Brewing System

Home Brewing System


It seems like I am always trying to make small improvements to the home brewing rig to make it as functional as I can.  This weekend was no different.  I ended up changing the propane lines out for flexible versions that are easier to adjust and adding some sanitary fittings and a sight glass to the RIMS heating bar to enable me to clean it more easily and have some visibility if I run into issues during recirculation.


I think my favorite of the additions was the site glass.  In the photo above you can see it in the center of the RIMS heating element bar.  I like that it allow me to inspect the condition of the heating bar so that I can tell if it needs to be scrubbed and also allows me to check on the fluid volume level of the bar to make sure I am not running dry.


I picked the site glass up here at MoreBeer: RIMS Sight Glass